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Direct Mail....Is it for my business?

Do you think your business will market better through direct mail?

Read the Do's and Dont's of using direct mail for business.

With so many privacy acts and laws these days a business has a lot to consider when deciding whether or not to market using direct mail. A review of some of the Do's and Dont's will help you get started.

Dos and Don'ts for Using Direct Mail


  1. Consult with an attorney about any privacy laws or regulations your business may be subject to.

  2. Research your target audience.

  3. Use an accurate mailing list.

  4. Be creative and innovative when creating your mailer.

  5. Keep it short and to the point.

  6. Do not forget a "call to action".

  7. Review your results for future planning.

For a List of the "Dont's" subscribe to our blog for our next posting!

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** Clarissa Jimenez, Esq. is licensed in Maryland.


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