Real Estate Corner Infograph: Top 3 Reasons to Hire a Florida Real Estate Attorney to Sell or Buy yo
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9 Most Effective Ways to Use A Quit Claim Deed to Handle Common Personal and Business Transactions.
Individuals, Business, and Trusts use Quit Claim Deeds to convey their interest whatever that may be to another person, business or...

How do I know if I own Intellectual Property?
Simply put....you probably do! This can be as simple as a thought or a complex website. If your an entrepreneur, artist, singer,...

What do I need to know to serve as Personal Representative of a Florida Estate?
We receive calls often from clients who have been appointed as Personal Representative in a loved ones Last Will & Testament. Often...

3 Reasons Your Business Website Needs An Updated Privacy Policy
Three reasons your business needs an updated privacy policy. Does your business use social media to market potential clients? Does your...

5 Reasons To Hire a Florida Real Estate Lawyer Before Your Next Florida Home Purchase!
5 Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Lawyer to help you buy your next Florida Home! "Should I hire a Real Estate Lawyer or Real Estate Agent...

Curls, Girls, Businesses & Bullying!
Do consumers prefer companies with a purpose in their mission statements? Does a business' story effect their brand? The answer depends...

With tax season among us, consumer fraud alerts are being issued by various regulatory agencies to warn consumers. However, most people...

Five Reasons Your Florida Real Estate Business Needs Legal Counsel!
1. Immediate Advice! Real Estate in any state is highly regulated; therefore a lot of business owners can be uneasy with regards to...

Real Estate Law Question Spotlight: Can I use a quit claim deed to transfer property in Florida?
This week a client asked "Can I use a quit claim deed to transfer property in Florida?". It depends! A classic attorney answer, but it...