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Notice: This website is attorney advertising and does not establish an attorney-client relationship, which is only formed when you have signed an engagement agreement. This website is not intended to be legal advice nor do we endorse any agency/organization. The information supplied is intended to be attorney advertising and any information available on the website is intended to be strictly informational. If you have further questions, call our offices or use our appointment page to schedule a consultation.


Jimenez & Jimenez, LLC. is a  Law Office serving all of  Maryland, both traditionally and virtually., Maryland Office 443-648-JLAW.. OnlineEsq.Com is a domain and website owned by Jimenez & Jimenez, LLC. Our Privacy Guarantee: Jimenez & Jimenez, LLC. will never sell, rent or share your personal information, such as your email address, as stated in our Privacy Policy.  Jimenez & Jimenez, LLC cannot guarantee results as past results do not guarantee future results. 


** Clarissa Jimenez, Esq. is licensed in Maryland.


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